Sunday , 6 October 2024

How Have Celebrities Used Social Media to Help Raise Funds for the Victims of Harvey

Many celebrities have donated money themselves to the victims of Hurricane Harvey but what else did they do using social media to help raise more money? Many celebrities are followed closely on Twitter, Instagram, and any social media in general.

Many celebrities have challenged their fans to donate money to the victims of the hurricane through their social media pages. Many social media pages are followed very closely by followers and many people have donated to the charity through their celebrity pages.

Many celebrities have made a campaign to state what they are going to do with the money and how they plan to help the victims of Hurricane Harvey. Many of these celebrities promoted their campaigns on social media such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. People who follow their pages are then aware of the problem happening with the damage being done and how many people are in need of your help. This is why celebrities do campaigns because they know people will follow them.

When you see the good they are doing, they will want you to help as well and of course your idol has done something good and you want to do it as well. It is their goal to make you aware of the problem and help raise money during the same time. It is important to them that you help support their campaign that is raising money for victims of Harvey.

Celebrities have a huge influence on everyone and everything so they use that to their advantage and raise money to help the victims. They do need to spread their message however and they use their social media pages. It is important to them and the people who have lost everything for some donations of food and money.

When it comes to people needing help, celebrities have the biggest influence and they donate the most money, however, they want you to help as well. They reach out to the people who follow them because it is important to have as much donated as possible so that the people who have lost everything have some direction when it comes to rebuilding and restarting. Celebrities who raise money and help campaign to get you to know the issue are what may have helped the most.

Facebook pages, Instagram posts, and Twitter posts are all important because people follow many celebrities on their pages. When a celebrity posts about donating money to their campaign for Hurricane Harvey victims many people will. They want to follow their idols and they are now made aware of the issues present that have occurred in the last week or so. If it were not for the celebrity relief campaigns on social media, many people may not even have known there was so much destruction and damage done in Harvey’s path.

Celebrities make people know what is going on and make sure people know how much destruction there was and how many people are in need of your help. They reach out to you in social media posts and their campaigns to raise money.

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