Sunday , 6 October 2024

Myth Vs. Fact

What is the best way to end a relationship with someone?

Goodbyes are never easy. Break ups can be rough. When you’ve finally decided to break up with someone, telling it to the person whom you have loved once is not going to be a work in the park. It can be just as emotionally toiling. Below are seven tips on how to end a relationship with someone properly:   Be …

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Should your partner go on vacation with friends of the opposite sex?

Is it all right if your partner goes on a vacation with a friend from the opposite sex? What are the normal boundaries when it comes to opposite sex friendships? Friends are important part of our lives. But normally as two couples engaged in a serious relationship, especially married couples they tend to be exclusive for each other and create …

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Is emotional cheating worse than physical cheating?

Being cheated by your partner is a heart breaking experience, but is an emotional affair worse than a physical affair? What is Emotional Cheating?  Emotional cheating happens when one of the partners spends time, attention and intimate emotion into someone other than their partner. It typically occurs when one of the couples feel disconnected and has unfulfilled emotional needs and …

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Pros And Cons Of A Destination Wedding Vs. Local Wedding

Now a days, wedding planning is emerging as an enormous and creative business, wherein people put their ideas to make the event unique and pleasing. Destination weddings have been trending for years and people usually go really excited hearing the term. On the other hand, despite of being an old-fashioned trend, local weddings are yet popular for their high cultural …

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Do Slimmer Celebrities Get Better Roles Than Their Overweight Counterparts?

Celebrities suffer a lot mentally when trying to impress their fans, overweight celebrities think that their slimmer counterparts are the sexiest while the slim ones think the opposite. There are a number of celebrities who were once huge and had to do plastic surgery to feel comfortable with their bodies. It is very unlikely to see slim celebrities going through …

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Are Reality TV Shows Always Authentic?

Reality TV is like marmite, you either love it or you hate it. There are various types such as singing competitions, dance competitions, celebrity competitions and plain simple following individuals around with a camera. But are we really seeing true reality? Let’s take a look at The X Factor. It’s ran on our screens for over a decade, where hopefuls …

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The Best Talent on Reality TV

Reality television is such a popular choice for viewers. It knows how to bring the drama (sometimes real, sometimes not, sometimes it is somewhere in between). People love to watch train wrecks and a lot of times, that is exactly what reality television offers them. Who needs to live real drama when you can watch real drama? This is a …

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10 Myths About Reality TV Celebrities

Celebrities that appear on your favorite show are in fact just normal celebrity actors because reality TV is actually fake and most of the scenes are planned out and plotted by the producers. Here are 10 myths about reality TV celebrities. They have a say in what they do and don’t. People think reality tv stars have a say in …

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Real or Unscripted? The Debate Goes On…

When discussing reality shows people holds different views. While reality TV productions claim pure “unscripted” reality in their shows, contestants and viewers consider reality TV nothing less than a scripted drama. Having said that, let’s see whether reality TV shows are real or are they merely scripted just like daily soaps & sitcoms. It may vary from show to show …

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