Sunday , 6 October 2024


Does Everyone On A Reality TV Show Get Paid?

Being on a reality TV show might seem like a glamorous and well-paid opportunity, but the truth is a little less enticing than you might think. While some people are paid large amounts of money for appearing on TV, others are given only enough money to cover the cost of their travel and lodging expenses for as long as their …

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Don’t Get Discouraged If You Didn’t Get The Audition

When watching your favourite actors on television, there are times when you may envy their careers, wanting to be as successful as them and it can be quite disheartening. However, just because they got this specific role, doesn’t mean they haven’t been turned down before. Even the notorious Alan Rickman had his days where he didn’t receive the role he …

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Keeping Private During the Casting Process

If you are thinking about taking part in a reality TV show, one of the most important things to consider is your personal life. Quite often reality TV stars have to deal with their personal life being splashed across the news and social media. With more people than ever on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and more it’s easier than ever to …

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How To Respond to Difficult Questions from a Casting Manager

Always be prepared to be set up for trick questions by a casting manager. It is important that you do your research and know how to answer questions. There are many sources available to you to make sure you make the proper choices when answering a question. Below is a few questions that will probably be asked and how to …

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