Sunday , 6 October 2024


Should you remain friends after a breakup?

Relationship break ups can be devastating for both parties involved. In some cases, to make the situation lighter and perhaps out of guilt the dumper may offer to stay being friends after the relationship is over. It may actually seem like a good idea logically speaking. After all, you were there for each other before so why not keep the …

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Top 10 signs of an addiction

Addictions are not just to drugs and alcohol but there are also behavioural addictions. Addictions involved psychological and physical processes. Every addiction experience is different signs will vary so will the behaviours. Difference between signs and symptoms: Symptoms are experienced solely by the person affected where as the signs are observed by everyone else around them. You don’t always wait …

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Should You Tell People When You Get An Audition?

The audition is a major test for actors trying to get any role in a movie. Many look for open casting calls, but getting the callback for a private audition is something coveted. It means you are seriously considered for in a role. This is very exciting and it is news that many want to share with the world because …

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