Sunday , 6 October 2024

What are the top 5 signs of domestic violence?

Domestic abuse can happen to anyone. Many victims of domestic abuse will try to hide or deny the situation because they are either afraid or ashamed.

However, a domestic abuse can easily escalate and it’s important to consider getting help before everything becomes too late.

What is Domestic Abuse?

When one partner in a relationship wants to dominate the relationship and their partner, they may resort to aggression and manipulation leading to domestic abuse.

Domestic abuse comes in different shapes and forms. Aside from manipulation, it can be anything from physical abuse, sexual assault, emotional abuse, financial control or if not a combination of all these.

Victims of domestic abuse experience long lasting emotional and mental inflictions which can leave them confused and scared. Oftentimes, the violence can only ramp up, trapping the victims as they continually adapt to an increased levels of domestic abuse.

It is not always that obvious or easy to tell when someone is a victim of domestic abuse. But, check out these top 5 signs that could indicate an individual is possibly experiencing a domestic abuse:

The individual suddenly becomes unusually quiet and withdrawn. 

A person whom you know is naturally outgoing and cheerful but has abruptly become quiet, distant and withdrawn may be experiencing domestic abuse.

You may also notice that the individual gradually refuses to join any events, cancels appointments for no apparent reasons and starts isolating and cutting off connections from people they used to be closed with.

Physical injuries like bruises, cuts and sprains. 

Physical abuse is a common characteristic of domestic abuse. An individual suffering from domestic abuse may frequently have bruises, cuts and other physical injuries – busted lips, a black eye, red or purple marks on the arms and neck as well as sprains.

Often, they may attempt to hide these marks of violence under heavy clothing, eye glasses or make-up and make lame excuses to cover up what they are going through.

The individual shows signs of emotional abuse.

Victims who feel hopeless and trapped in an abusive relationship often display low self esteem and symptoms of depression. They often feel disengaged, agitated, and are very withdrawn.

People who are silently dealing with domestic violence seem to be always afraid, anxious and nervous.

Victims of domestic abuse always seem to be mindful and are barely able to relax.

They are often anxious and noticeably nervous particularly when their partner is around.

They also tend to be very particular about pleasing their partner and of making sure they don’t disappoint their partner in any way.

The individual’s partner is noticeably extremely controlling. 

You may notice that an individual trapped in a violent domestic abuse always see to it that they ask permission and let there partner know about their whereabouts and who they are with.

Their partner constantly calls or checks on them. Often, they are left with very little cash with them and may not even posses a credit card as their partner takes control even with their finances and spending habits.

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